It’s easy to get caught up in a sea of baby clothes, especially when this type of clothing can be incredibly cute and irresistible. Onesies, dresses, or even a tee and a shorts combo can suddenly take over your space and you might find this overwhelming as everything piles up. Baby clothes can be challenging to organize, particularly when your baby tends to outgrow them rather quickly.
One day, you’ll be surprised to see just how many baby clothes you have in your home. Thankfully, this article will help you bring a sense of order back into your baby’s closet and give you a bit of a sanity break from all the chaos. Check out these seven tips on how you can better organize baby clothes. Take a look below.

Do a Closet Overhaul
One of the first things that can help you get started is doing a closet overhaul and this goes beyond simply taking out and tossing clothes. Bear in mind that cleaning your baby’s closet is significantly different from cleaning your own as your precious child tends to size up every few months.

Organizing a baby’s closet requires making use of the space that you have while also using organizational tools. A simple way to upgrade their closet, if it is a small one, is to place a dresser underneath the closet rails. A dresser is a quick fix since it does not require additional installation, this provides ample storage and a divider option for their clothes and accessories.
If you do have the extra space, adding another closet rail gives you more room to hang more of your baby’s clothes. You can also divide their clothes and label them accordingly. Separate items by type, by season, or for each size. Other organizers you can use include cube organizers, storage bins, or even a shoe organizer or an over-the-door pocket organizer.
Organize by Size
Babies go through clothes fast in their first year of life because they a growing rapidly. By the time you have organized your baby’s clothes, they might have moved on to another size. To make organization more manageable, the simplest thing you can do is sort everything by size and group them together.

To do this, make sure to take out all of your child’s clothes and place them into piles. Sort every item by size and fold or hang it accordingly. You may set aside smaller sizes of clothes that your baby does not fit into any longer and place these into one pile, even storing them in a storage bag or bin. Just be sure to label these.
While you can also keep older or larger sizes to wear later on, you might also want to pack these up to avoid clutter since your baby won’t be using this for quite some time. You have the choice of hanging these up or stashing these using storage bins or bags as well.
Sort as You Go
It’s frustrating to constantly find clothes that your child no longer uses or that no longer fit them. If you have this dilemma as well, practicing the sort as you go approach may just be the right one for you. Placing a laundry basket with dividers or that has different sections in your baby’s closet will definitely become a lifesaver.

This laundry basket serves as a catchall for all their soiled clothes. Meanwhile, you can use other baskets for other-colored clothes and accessories, and you can use another one for separating clothes that no longer fit your baby. This approach will help you determine what clothes your little one is already outgrowing without having to sort them all in one go.
Apart from placing laundry bins or baskets in your baby’s room, you can also opt for a rolling cart if you have a tight space. This keeps all of your little one’s clothes in just one place, plus it can go from one room to another. A spacious rolling cart can also house diapers and other necessities.
Keep Clothes that Fit, Make Plans for Those that Don’t
Now that you have all your baby’s smaller clothes arranged as well, you can pass them down to your family or friends who are in need. Better yet, donating them to the local stores or charities will help these clothes go a long way and you can be sure these are going to be loved well.

However, if you are planning to have another baby in the future, saving these and putting the baby clothes into storage can help you save some money in the long run. Some of your baby’s clothes will be damaged, stained, torn, or be in an unspeakable state. Don’t donate or pass these on if they are already beyond repair.
Your little one’s clothes can be quite sentimental, so keeping a few outfits here and there won’t hurt. There are clothes that are too cute to resist or simply ones that remind you of milestones. Select some memorable outfits and store these in a special location. Try to keep only one to two outfits from each size to prevent them from going overboard and let the other items go.
Designate Space for Different Types of Clothing
The trick to making the most of your baby’s small nursery closet is using great storage solutions and placing your little one’s clothes in designated zones. Start by visualizing how these zones will pan out or you can also list what will go into particular areas. Take for example the closet rails in your baby’s wardrobe.

You might want to consider hanging dresses, sweaters, jackets, and matching outfits. Meanwhile, you can fold onesies, jumpsuits, pajamas, and the like and place them in drawers. Babies tend to have many clothing items apart from clothes themselves. They also have mittens, hats, bibs, and socks. Baskets placed in drawers can serve as dividers to separate tiny items.
You may want to designate each drawer for different types of clothing to avoid confusion or disarray. You can use one drawer to house your little one’s onesies and jumpsuits, while another can house their pajamas. Another trick would be to place the frequently used items on the upper part of the drawer, while you can leave accessories or the least used items on the bottom part.
Do Regular Clean Ups
As you know, babies grow fast, so it is understandable that they accumulate a lot of clothes over time. While a little bit of organizing, as described above, can help clear out clothing pileups, you can expect a new one after a few months.

This is why you need to regularly clear out your baby’s clothes storage, ideally every few months. What you just need to do is to remove every piece of clothing from your little one’s closet, drawers, and bins, then sort them out based on the criteria you have in mind.
You can classify them by size, which may be easier as you have already done this as part of your organization efforts. If you want, you can sort similarly sized pieces by color, theme, or occasion, and using closet dividers is a big help. The point is to do this periodically over the years to avoid having a pileup of unused baby clothes.
Keep Go-To Outfits Within Reach
Lastly, you want to set aside some clothes for easy access. Kids tend to make a mess for many reasons, some of them being their lack of motor skills and their enthusiasm when playing. Potty emergencies are also one of these reasons. So, make sure to keep some of their go-to outfits near your changing station or a nearby bathroom.

This way, you do not have to sort through your kid’s clothing storage spaces to find a quick change of clothes. This also comes in handy if you want to go on a quick stroll with your child and you want to dress them in a suitable outfit. The best way to have a quick change of clothes accessible is to get a rolling cart and load it up with essentials.
You can place hygiene products such as wet wipes on them. Make sure to get several sets of clothes and place them on the cart, as well. Then, you can simply roll it up wherever you are in the house. You can have it nearby whether you go to the dining room or the living room. Plus, the wheels make it much easier to bring with you, so you can save your energy for more meaningful moments with your baby.
Final Thoughts
Babies grow fast and they tend to accumulate a lot of clothes within the first years, making organizing their clothes an overwhelming task. With these tips, you can easily and systematically organize your baby’s clothes. This stips will help you keep your baby's room tidy.