A Pregnancy Safe Ab Workout To Keep You Tight and Toned

I have always loved working my abs before I got pregnant, but it can be hard to find a pregnancy safe ab workout.

Once I got pregnant I knew that I wanted to continue to work on my abs, but I needed to be careful so I didn't cause Diastasis Recti.

In your first trimester you can do all of the same moves that you were doing before.

Once you hit the second and third trimester though some workout moves will need to be adapted. This is just so you don't harm yourself or the baby.

I have a fitness tab that you can check out, but Allie from My Perfect Pregnancy Plan has an awesome course that goes into depth about your nutrition during pregnancy and also lots of workouts!

Her workouts will help you prepare for your growing body and helps ease the aches you will have during pregnancy. She has a workout for every stage of your pregnancy and it is so worth it to take her course!

To start off if you keep trying to crank out those full planks and crunches you could do some harm to your stomach called Diastasis Recti.

Diastasis Recti is a separation in your abs also called the "mom pooch" According to WebMD about 2/3 of women will get this.

Most of the time it happens because of pregnancy with your belly growing rapidly. Also doing incorrect ab exercises could cause this to happen.

Luckily if you do get it you can do some recovery on your abs. Check out this recovery post that I did to help you moms out there!

pregnancy safe ab workout

Pregnancy Safe Ab Workout

This workout if completely safe to do at any trimester. It will help you to stay toned and tight as your belly continues to grow!

If you are wanting other workouts to do that are safe during pregnancy you can always take a look at my fitness tab. You could also try Allie's course for a lot more workouts!

If your tummy domes in the middle you are doing the ab exercises incorrectly and you could be harming your ab muscles. So just keep a look out when you do any sort of exercise.

  • Side Crunch x15 each side
  • Pelvic Tilt x10 holding for 5 seconds
  • Side Plank x30 seconds each side
  • Assisted Plank x30 seconds
  • Bird-Dog x20 each leg
  • Cat-Cow x20

Do this workout 2-3 times with a rest in between each set.

Side crunch

Side Crunch
Side Crunch

Pelvic Tilt

Pelvic tilt

Pull your belly button in toward your spine, pushing your pelvis forward.

Tighten your butt and hip muscles as you tilt your pelvis forward.

Hold for 5 seconds each rep.

Side Plank

Side plank

Assisted Plank

Assisted plank


Bird dog
Bird dog



I hope y'all enjoy this workout and keep up with the fit pregnancies!