When us women workout our midsection we usually focus on the six pack area and there are so many other parts of our midsection such as the obliques, lower abs, and transverse abdominis. You will also want to workout your...
Sometimes it can be difficult to find an arm workout that is meant for women that won't bulk you up and make you look like you have man arms or isn't difficult enough for you. I love working out...
Exercises for hip dips have become a popular trend lately. People are researching different ways that they can eliminate their hip dips, and trust me you are in the right place! I believe that you are beautiful the way...
Have you ever looked at a woman in a tank top or an off the shoulder top and thought dang! Imagine someone looking at you with the same thought. This shoulder workout is meant to give you sexy shoulders for...
Do you ever get annoyed with putting on a swimsuit, bra, or sports bra and you notice that back fat hanging over? I didn't start noticing till I was pregnant and boy did it make me sad because there were...
Are you sitting there thinking about how badly you want a six pack or at least a slimmed down tummy? I know that I have thought this at many different points in my life. This 30 day ab challenge will help...
Raise your hand if you hate running! If you just rose your hand then this workout if meant just for you. Getting your heartrate up is so beneficial to you and this workout will definitely help you do that without...
Lower ab workouts are a great way to tone up your mom pooch, but the benefits are not all aesthetics. Most people only focus on the upper abs or their obliques, but your lower abs are just as important...
I first discovered standing ab workouts when I was pregnant and boy are they amazing! Yes you can even do ab workouts safely even while you are pregnant! It's actually healthy for you to be moving and engaging your...
After having a baby my abs were totally shot because of my c-section. I had to retrain them and work on some ab recovery. Luckily after pregnancy you are still able to get that fit body that you want....